Learn how to lead from your core value, vision and mission to become a heart-ignited leader dedicated to having a life changing impact in the work you do and the life you lead.

Identify Your Unique Value

Confidently pursue greatness knowing who you are and what you’re meant to do.

Light Your Inner Fire

Learn how to engage the most meaningful and effective part of you - your heart.

Become a Heart-Ignited Leader

Maximize your impact by showing others what it means to truly thrive.

Has your excitement for
leading been extinguished?

Here’s what I know about you: You pursue excellence, have a growth mindset, and are fiercely committed to success for yourself, your company, and your team. But you’re here today because you woke up wanting more - the more that allows you to have greater impact and excites you by bringing forth the most audacious things inside you. I know that feeling. I have felt that feeling, and I can help you become the Heart-Ignited leader you were meant to be. Let’s light your inner fire!

Lead with Your Legacy

in Mind

Forward looking partnership.

Interdependent coaching.

Aligned strategies for your best outcome.

Rigorous act, measure, review, adjust process.


Executive Coaching

For executive leaders and coaches, individualized coaching is a strategic partnership that supports growth, builds confidence, and increases competency. Learn how to manage stress, maximize resources, and cultivate a culture of success.


Brave Leadership Mastermind

“Leadership is not an exclusive club for the elite.” Dr. Myles Monroe

Strong leadership skills are cultivated with time and experience. Those skills have a lasting and far-reaching impact when the leader is clear about what it means for “them” to lead in their own unique way. The Brave Leadership Mastermind is for beginning and mid-level leaders who want to expand their leadership capacity and leadership impact. The mastermind will focus on how to lead with the head (knowledge and experience) and the heart (values, purpose, legacy, vision). Participants may request an application for the next Brave Leader Master cohort.


Brave Coaching Mastermind

How do you become the most impactful coach that you can be? The Brave Coach Mastermind is a small group of professional coaches who are ready to take their coaching to the next level so that their clients experience next-level growth. The BCM is for credentialed coaches or those on their way to becoming credentialed.


Create Your Win Code

Quiet the comparison and turn up the volume on what makes you uniquely you. This 10-week coaching collaborative results in an individualized Win Code that reframes habits, prioritizes values, and teaches you to win by showing up as your most authentic self.


MEET Jordan

Jordan Mercedes is an executive coach, coach educator, ethics instructor, and mentor with more than 15 years of experience. She has authored two accredited International Coaching Federation training programs, Leaders Coach ForwardTM and FoundationsTM. Known as a “fire starter,” Jordan helps clients recognize and connect the power of their inner fire to create outward momentum. She works with leaders of corporations, faith-based organizations, small businesses, and startups. For each client, Jordan’s goals are to define personal and professional success, connect the heart and head to maximize impact and influence, and create a strategic path forward.





Executive Coaching

For executive leaders and coaches, individualized coaching is a strategic partnership that supports growth, builds confidence, and increases competency.

Brave Leadership Mastermind

Learning in a peer environment is an impactful way to strengthen skills and accelerate growth and progress. Each Brave Leadership Mastermind consists of 10 leaders meeting together once a month over a six-month period of time. Leaders will be both coached and have the opportunity to present a professional challenge or area of desired growth for thought partnership with the cohort. 

Brave Coaching Mastermind

This mastermind is for coaches who want to be a part of a cohort of professional coaches to expand coaching knowledge, receive coach mentoring and supervision and engage in exploring growth opportunities based on partnership and feedback from the mastermind partners. To participate, members must have completed or be in the process of completing coach specific training in alignment with ICF coaching standards. Members will receive credits that may be used toward a credential or certification renewal.

The Win Code

This 10-week coaching collaborative results in an individualized Win Code that reframes habits, prioritizes values, and teaches you to win by showing up as your most authentic self.

Become a Heart-Ignited Leader